
Big Horse Stable feeder

“All is working well and my asthmatic horse is not having any problems at all. Thank you so much for all your help I personally think your design is so much better for horses because of the area it covers when they are down to the bottom there is so much space and air around their heads. I think when you market your product this is definitely a big positive selling point. Thank you again, we are very happy customers x
Sonya Case, Somerset, Shire horse, bought April 2023

Sonya bought one of the first two HayDown BHS’s I proffered on FB before they even went up on the website, asking “please don’t sell it to anyone else”. Sonya used to feed 1/2 hour soaked hay in nets for her asthmatic horse.

I am so pleased your horse is healthy now and thank you for sharing.

Standard Field 1

Very pleased with our purchase, my horse has a tendency to gorge her food and then leave herself without anything to eat for hours. She’s on restricted grazing and so it’s important that she eats little and often.

The HayDown has enabled us to make sure she has plenty to eat but stretched out over a longer period of time, allowing her to digest her feed properly.

Derek’s assistance in ensuring we bought a suitable sized box was faultless from start to finish, he even filled one of his hay savers with hay before we purchased it to ensure it would hold enough hay for my big girl.

Rachel Waller, Lincs, bought April 2023

Standard Field 4 & 2x Standard Field 1s

I'm so glad I discovered HayDown feeders. I bought the Pony4 field feeder to try with my three horses who live out 24/7 to manage hay wastage. My one pony, who has destroyed more than one feeder, used to chuck the hay out and trample it faster than I could fill the feeder. I've finally found a feeder to solve that problem. I'm impressed with the flexible but durable material and it's easy to fill. Derek was very helpful with all my questions and even sent me some videos. I'm so pleased I've just ordered two more feeders!

These genuinely are game changers. I can't believe how much abuse the feeders get and still intact. They have amazing durability as evidenced by how much my old pony and youngster abuse the feeders. He really bashes it about stomping it and I guess pushing it as I'm always finding it in a new post code. I regularly find both small feeders on their sides and in interesting places, I even found one down the bottom of a hill one morning so they get a lot of abuse but overall still doing well.
They are certainly durable!

If any potential customers are trying to decide between sizes, my feedback is that I prefer the smaller size as I can easily drag between my paddocks, but the bigger feeder seems to not get attacked as much. I do find it shoved around the field but always upright whereas the smaller feeders are regularly on their sides or upside down. So with a destructive pony I'd probably opt for a larger size.

Rachel, Berkshire, bought April & May 2023

Rachel was feeding her horses from wooden crates.

Standard Stable feeder

I can’t fault your product Derek, it’s been fantastic, thank you”

It’s been a game changer for me !! And it took some abuse from her in the beginning when she got frustrated a little but even now she will pick it up and drop it (turns out I had nowhere suitable to attach it to the walls) so I have to tie it to the post outside. But it’s more ideal as reduces her time in the stable for her lungs ! Absolutely delighted for you! Well done ! I’m delighted to be able to support a great start up! You’re onto a good one !

Hannah Hughes, N.Ireland, bought Nov 2023

2x Standard Stable feeders

The horses quickly learn to use them. They provide a good rate of feeding, not too much at a time but not frustratingly little. Excellent natural feeding position. Very easy to use; saves me lots of time not dealing with haynets. Stay in place; they can be fixed in position but I use a piece of bale twine to tie it to the wall and this is adequate to stop my horse pulling it towards her when it is empty. She was once seen early on kicking it when it was empty but it easily withstood this and she hasn't done it since. It suffered no damage and nor did she. It is solid but with no sharp edges. I would highly recommend.

Jane Sara, Yorks, bought April & May 2023

Mini Shetland Field 1

Happy Donkey. So little waste

Alison Pickering, Lancs, bought Sept 2023

Mini Shetland Field 2

“Purchased last year a game changer for my Shetland after 5 years of EMS
and laminitis, now 10 months in he’s totally sound and free.
Slows him, doesn’t run out, much happier.

Rosalie Varndell, S. Yorkshire, Shetland Pony, bought Oct 2023

Big Horse Stable feeder

Working well. No more waste hay all over the floor.

Dawn Webster, Isle of Wight, Bought Feb 2024.

Dawn used to feed loose hay on the floor and hates nets.

Standard Field 1 & Standard Stable feeder

One in the stable and the other in the turn-out pen. I am really pleased with the design also how robust they are. My horse settled into eating from them without hesitation and by using these all the time now it means that he:

  • Has free access to hay for 24 hours/day which is more aligned to his natural feeding pattern.
  • Uses his neck & shoulders in a more natural way (compared to using a haynet).
  • Is able to regulate his own intake of forage so that his weight is easier to manage.
  • Doesn't anticipate feed time so there is no associated feeding time stress.

And the bonus for me is that I have more money in my pocket because there is no wasted hay, either in the stable or outdoors in the turn-out pen.
Thanks very much

Kath Smith, Lancs, bought Sept 2023

Kath was feeding her horse from 3 tubs outside meant to last all day but emptied before lunch. She said that with the HayDown Field 1 the same amount of hay would last from 8am to 4pm.

Trialist Testimonials

Using HayDowns since early 2019

Shetland Stable

The boys would inhale their evening hay within 45 minutes in a haynet, but with the HayDown their evening meal now lasts up to two hours!! Waste reduced by at least 75%.
Great product, highly recommended!!
Crissie, Sheffield. 2 Shetlands. Trailist since March 2019

2x Standard Stables

Well made alternative to hay nets & natural feeding position for your horse
Phil Baines, Dunston Park Farm. Trialist since mar 2019

Standard Stable

Once my horse relaxed it significantly slowed down his eating.
I don’t worry that he’s stood overnight with nothing to eat. There’s a dramatic
reduction of dust in his stable too. It is very easy to use and clean.
Sam, Sheffield. Trialist since Mar 2019

Standard Stable, Mini Shetland Stable, Standard Field 4, Mini Shetland Field 2

They are amazing, I couldn’t live without them. Neither
could my greedy pony, or my mini Shetland. Happy, relaxed ponies, no squabbling
for food, no mess, easy to fill up and clean out. Absolutely love em.
Amanda, Sheffield. Trialist since way back.

Standard Stable

At last a hay feeder that does what it says on the tin! It's tough, robust and easy to use. It holds ample amounts to keep my horses occupied all night. Highly recommended.
Alison Garner, Brook Barn Equestrian, Sheffield. Trialist since Feb 2019

If It Can't Be Reduced

"If it can't be reduced, reused, repaired
Rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold
Recycled or composted
Then it should be restricted, redesigned
Or removed from production"
Song by Pete Seeger recorded 2008